Friday, March 26, 2010

On My Professional Career

I studied psychology at the University of Wisconsin and Columbia University. From 1937 to 1951 I taught at Brooklyn College. In 1943 I published a paper called "A Theory of Human Motivation", in which can be found my theories on motivation and self-actualization, now more commonly known as "Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs". In 1951 I left Brooklyn College to go to Brandies University to chair the psychology department. At that point I basically arrived at the top of my professional career; by 1959 I was famous not only nationally but also internationally because of my "Hierarchy of Needs". I am now considered the founder of Humanistic Psychology. I was at one time the president of the American Psychological Association. As I have become older, however, I have begun to find significance in other work and in my own personal life, which is why I chose to leave my more "prestigious" position and accepted the directorship of a research project in California. I wanted to be able to have more time to spend with my daughter and granddaughter.


Mills, R. (2006). Leadership in higher education and the second half of life. Education, 127(2), 294-302. Retrieved from ERIC database.

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