Friday, March 26, 2010

On Keeping a Blog/Journal

"I'm reading Kierkegaard's journals and have recently finished Ruth Benedict's journal and am thinking of the advantages of keeping one myself. Also, the system I've been using is getting to the point of breaking down, what with carbon copies and cross-indexing and numberless headings under which to file. A journal system [or blog, in this case] should help on this score. . . . There are many other advantages, some of which Kierkegaard lists in his journal. For me another one, outside of the personal advantage of helping my thinking. I think so much more clearly on paper is the sad thought I've so often had: death for an intellectual usually means total loss of everything unfinished, all that is 1/3 or 1/2 done. Whenever I die it will be so many things left half done. The journal system is better for salvaging incomplete stuff for someone else to finish" (p. 3).


Mills, R. (2006). Leadership in higher education and the second half of life. Education, 127(2), 294-302. Retrieved from ERIC database.

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